Dead Rat
Stinky dead rat is not so smelly anymore.
For the last week and a half, there was an enormous dead rat - even by city standards - on the construction area on the corner of Hiatt and Irving. It sat there bloated and festering in the warm weather last week. On my way home from work, I would notice the look on people's faces when the plume of death-reek hammers them in their noses. Their eyes tearing. Since the first day I had experienced that sweet aroma of decomposition, I had been walking on the other side of the street until I'm well passed the carcass. Yet, everyday I look across the street to see the same people going through the same routine of cringing and gagging when they pass good ole stinky. Finally, I saw a group of maybe 5 kids hanging around that corner yesterday, and none of them had that uneasy look of "where's the dead body" on their faces. So, I walked by that corner this morning to work, and sure enough, stinky had withered to a mat of wet fur, skin, and cigarette butts. I guess the combination of rain/sleet/snow and windy weather the last few days really helped as well.
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